Harrisburg, PA, USA - Community Life Coaches, Chris and Carol Green, hosted a community leadership summit to officially launch the Fruitful Life Learning Center as the educational, inspirational and spiritual hub of an alliance and network of home groups, outreach organizations, and community leaders.
In an evening highlighted by personal testimonials, professional endorsements and "flash-back" video clips that documented the special moments that led up to this historical opening, leaders from various sectors of the south central Pennsylvania region joined together to lend their support of the Green's vision of equipping leaders.
"We intentionally did not advertise this event," the Greens told their audience. "We're not trying to gather a big crowd. We don't need the unnecessary battles that come with notoriety, fame and curiosity seekers. We're trying to connect with like-minded people."
They likened their summits to the gathering of school district superintendents, stating how a meeting might consist of only a few individuals, but those individuals can represent hundreds and thousands of people including principals, teachers, students and parents.
"When we hold leadership summits and leadership training, a group of 25 or 30 leaders can easily represent hundreds and thousands of people that they will impact through the training that we are going to be providing for them."
Coach Carol Green reveals, "This unique Center will resource, equip and empower leaders and heads of households to facilitate healing within their own hearts and homes and then extend their extraordinary transformation to their neighborhood and community."
The Learning Center includes an innovative strategy of training and appointing Community Care, Ready-Responders and certifying Community Life Coaches, who are creative, compassionate, and capable of guiding hurting souls past their poverty and pain to their divine purpose.
"As a community-supporting faith family, Fruitful Life is patterned after the 1st-century Followers of Christ, who continued steadfast in the Apostle's teaching and fellowship, in Breaking of Bread, and in Prayers," explains Coach Chris Green; "They met in small groups within their homes and they also gathered as a community in a more sacred setting as well. They were especially known for taking care of the neighborhood's widows and orphans, while experiencing miracles, signs and wonders."
Before there was a religion called Christianity, there was a movement known as THE WAY. Chris and Carol Green launched the Fruitful Life Learning Center to help people of faith and Christian leaders return to that simple mission and lifestyle that demonstrates God's love and healing to hearts and homes.
Learn more at https://www.fruitfullifelearningcenter.org
Special Note - Additional Media
John and Kerry Shuey endorse the Fruitful Life Network with high recommendations for community leaders, organizations, churches and businesses to consider investing in their leaders and teams by utilizing the people-building training and certifications that are available through Chris and Carol Green.
Denise Britton endorses the Fruitful Life Network with high recommendations for community leaders, organizations, churches and businesses to consider investing in their leaders and teams by utilizing the people-building training and certifications that are available through Chris and Carol Green.
Fruitful Life board member, Traci Carter-Burker, endorses Chris and Carol Green with high recommendations for leaders, organizations, churches and businesses to consider the people-building training and certifications that are available through the Fruitful Life Learning Center .
Dr. Joe Green endorses the Fruitful Life Network with high recommendations for community leaders, organizations, churches and businesses to consider family and spiritual life coaching that is available through Chris and Carol Green.
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